Our Team: 2023-2024 Board of Directors
As members of the community, we are proud to be leading our Foundation into an exciting new chapter. Over the years, donor dollars have transformed our school and this year we are gearing up to really focus on grants, community donations, and involvement. State funding alone cannot support the excellence in education that our community deserves, so it is the Foundation’s mission to ensure continued success by supporting Summerville’s exceptional teaching staff and outstanding curriculum.
Jan Hiebert
Executive Director
Betsy Hurst
Board Chair
Sandra Asquith
Vice Chair
Jimmy Nixon
Board Treasurer
Siobhan Hill
Board Member
Patt Koral
Board Member
Erica Simonson
Board Member
Trent Simonson
Board Member
Stephene Tune
Board Member
Michael Garza
Board Member
Your Name Here
Open Seat
Your Name Here
Open Seat
John LaTorre
Emeritus Board Member
Wayne deGennaro
Emeritus Board Member
Bear Grant Committee, Chair
Thank You to Our Emeritus Members
Eric Carlson
Wayne deGennaro
Erline Heldstab
John LaTorre
Jeff Kerns
Leonard Mauro
Greg Pitcher
Jamie Tune
Dave Urquhart
Robin Wainwright
Brad Young
Thank You to Our Past Board Members
Dave Butler
Pat Eaton
Jody Federigi
Kasey Fulkerson
Mick Grimes
Patti Hohne
Cooper Kessel
Mark Kraft
Peppe Larsson
Jessi Leveroos
Debbie Mager
Wendy McLaurin
Kathleen Olsen
Tracy Prevost
Ron Roberson
Dave Sanders, Jr.
Lori & Bobbie Severson
Cyndi Simonson
Nancy Tucker