Board Meetings

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May 2023 Board Meeting

Summerville High School Library 17555 Tuolumne Rd, Tuolumne, United States

June 2023 Annual Meeting of the Corporation and Election of New Officers

Meeting Location to be decided. Call Jan Hiebert @ 209.536.9227 if you have any questions. Thank you! or Email if you have questions. *Whenever possible meetings will be held at the SHS Library. If that venue is not available the meetings will be scheduled on Zoom.  

Lunch on Us at the Standard Pour

The Standard Pour Resteraunt 19040 Standard Rd, Sonora, United States

You must RSVP by calling or texting 209-559-1201. We are looking for a few new board members. Please join us as our guest for lunch to find out about enhancing education at Summerville Union High School.

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