Bear Grant Awarded for $1600 to New Forensic Club

The newly formed Forensic Club at Summervillle High School is headed up by club President, Kaleah Caudillo. She is intrigued by the popular TV show, Cold Case Files and is considering making Forensics a career.

Kaleah approached her teacher, Carol Schutt, who had taught a forensics Class at another high school, about having a forensics Class at Summerville. Administration wanted the group to start out as a club to see if there will be enough interest among students to create a class.

Club officers, Evan Zhang, Vice President, Treasurer, Rocky Rhoades, and Secretary, Alex Calabrese are looking forward to using the new software purchased for the club by a $1600 Bear Grant awarded by the Summerville High School Foundation. The group will be using casework from two real crimes; Diablo Highway and Murder at Oldfields. The club will be using Wetlabs fingerprinting and foot print technology. Each case has suspect files with detective notes and evidence that the club will also examined in solving these two crimes.

The four club officers are ready to start this unique and interesting path to expanded learning!

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