Candace Loyd Carlson, Class of 2002

My freshman year I started out in choir. I learned different vocal types and their ranges with Mrs. Madeleine Young. My sophomore year was spent singing in a group called Ladies First as an alto. I loved this group of female singers! We had lots of giggles and great introductions to many jazz classics. My junior and senior years I sang as an alto in Jazz @ 8. My fondest memories were of festivals where we did workshops with other school jazz groups. I still continue to love singing and music! My family knows me as a walking radio—often to get my kiddos to do things I start singing a pop tune or an old favorite, this works every time! I appreciate what Mrs. Young gave us in the form of music; some of the most iconic songs were classics turned into a Capella jazz ensembles for us to sing, including my favorites Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Birdland by Manhattan Transfer, and Fantasy by Earth, Wind and Fire.

Academics: As I love reading and writing, it was only natural for me to be in AP English both my junior and senior year. At that time (wow, that sounds old!), there weren’t many AP classes, so this was exciting. I also enjoyed Anatomy and Physiology with Mrs. Debbie Mager, I believe it was this class that fueled my passion for science!

Athletics: My whole high school career was highly focused on athletics. I played a sport every season, every year and in my senior year two at the same time! If I could’ve I probably would’ve done more, but my passions at the time were Volleyball, Soccer and Softball. I earned 12 3D letters: Four varsity letters in soccer, three varsity and one junior varsity letter in softball, and two varsity and two junior varsity letters in volleyball.

I worked my way up in volleyball, starting out on the JV team my sophomore year as an outside hitter and setter. I then continued through senior year on the Varsity team in those positions. We finished second in the MLL and made division playoffs during that time. Volleyball is truly an amazingly athletic sport and I love the constant of the game-don’t get caught flat footed, that’s when the ball whizzes past!

Soccer was a sport that I excelled at, I loved to run fast, I loved using strength to get the ball down the field or to the goal and I loved the challenge of defending our goal! I started out playing on Varsity as starting Sweeper and never left until I graduated. In that time, we took 2 consecutive league and division championships. During that time, I was named MLL’s Outstanding Defensive Player of the Year three out of my four years. It was a wonderful experience and one that set me up to truly be a team player!

In Softball, I started out on JV and moved onto Varsity my junior/senior years. I played both shortstop and center field, but my love was for center field! The challenge of running down a ball was always exhilarating. I was a two-time all MLL selection. Mr. Ben Watson was a great inspiration for me during softball, he taught me how to use my speed, bat left-handed and base run. Stealing bases was the ultimate game of cat & mouse for me! He supported my final year by allowing me to play both soccer and softball at the same time when soccer was seasonally moved to spring.

Clubs/Offices held: I did not hold any offices during my high school career but I did participate in student government for 2 years. During that time, we put on a program called Every 15 Minutes, which was geared toward upper-level classmen to help recognize the ramifications of drinking and driving. It was quite impactful. We lost 2 classmates and their brother to a drunk driver in my senior year, such a tragic loss to a truly preventable incident.

I was a homecoming queen candidate my senior year, however, very deservingly it went to my friend April Hawthorne who had lost her father that last year in the line of duty. I was so very grateful that she was celebrated! I was named Most Athletic my senior year.

I believe my AP English, jazz singing experience, and athletic team endeavors has positively shaped my journey. The courage it takes to stand up and sing in front of people is basically baring your soul in front of strangers. I still get a little nervous before public speaking or teaching but remembering to be myself, connect with people both with my eyes and my voice, and use storytelling makes it a lot easier! These qualities are ones I learned in my love of reading and writing. Being a team player is a must for everything you do in life! From having a relationship with a significant other to producing quality work at a job, to being a parent—you have to know how to work with others! When I was in high school, there was a poster in our laundry room at home that stated, “There is no I in TEAM.” I’ve carried that truth my whole life.

During my freshman year on the varsity soccer team, there were several senior girls who were quite taunting towards me. They would call me names like “Miss Perfect” or “Little Precious” and haze me when I walked by or came on the field, sometimes even slide tackling me on purpose. I can see now that this was immaturity and ignorance; these girls did not know how to lift up another female during her triumphs. I made sure when I was an upperclassman or really anytime at SHS, to be kind to others, cheer them on for their triumphs, and be a good leader out on the field. I believe I carried these qualities with me even into the present day—I am a strong advocate for women supporting and uplifting other women. We should never tear each other down for our own gain.

Current high schoolers: enjoy high school! There is so much time to be an adult, (really, your whole life after 18!), just enjoy your years. It’s also a great time to learn how to make mistakes in a supported environment. Your high school years are truly training wheels for adult life. You’re expected to give effort, but you’re not expected to be perfect. Take advantage of this!  It is a high emotions time, yes, but learn how to positively manage and work through those emotions so that you set yourself up for success later in life. In other words, create positive stress managing habits now. I promise it will help in the future. And last but not least, please make friends with people who bring out the best qualities in you! These people will help you fill your cup so that you can fill the cup of others.

Currently, I am a Nutrition & Integrative Health Coach. I have my own business coaching women on balancing their hormones and gut health through functional nutrition, joyful movement, reducing stress & burnout, establishing consistent sleep patterns, and letting go of any negative habits or addictions. I use my degree in Health Education, Yoga/ Mediation teaching, and various nutrition certificates to coach women into creating a lifestyle that brings them health, joy, and success! On top of that, I’m a mom to 3 vibrant children ages 5, 8 & 10. I’m the wife of an extraordinary hospice RN and we also have a year old Yorkie puppy, chickens, and bees! I love hiking, trail running, cycling, river swimming, and of course Yoga! I enjoy gardening and most things outdoors. I can still be caught singing, though usually it’s in the car or to get my kids to cooperate! My love for all things music and movement has continued and will forever be the foundation of who I am.

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